Step into your
We get that sometimes being called to be a missionary to Africa can be daunting. You may not even know where to start and can feel alone in the process.
All of that gets in the way of your calling to make an impact in people’s lives around the world.
We are Jacob and Kristin Jester and we think that it should be easier than that. That’s why we want to come alongside you and make the process of becoming a missionary easy to understand and do.
Learn more about what the process looks like throughout this page and then when you are ready to get connected, fill out the first step form linked near the bottom of this page.
Our vision
Our vision •
Watch this video to learn about our mission and vision of helping each missionary realize they can become mobilizers and people raisers.
Three Levels of
There are a few ways to get involved and make an impact in Africa.
Short trip
Short term trips are a great place to get a feel for the process of ministering in continent. There are three types of short trips you can take.
Length of Service: Less than 1 month
AG Ministerial Credentials: Not required
Requirements: Must be invited by AGWM missionary or field fellowship
Support Raising: Per district policy
Budget: Minimal
Training: Not required
Length of Service: 1 to 6 months
AG Ministerial Credentials: certified, licensed, or ordained
Requirements: Must be invited by AGWM missionary or field fellowship
Support Raising: Per district policy
Budget: Minimal
Training: Not required
Length of Service: 1 to 11 months
AG Ministerial Credentials: Not required
Requirements: Must be invited by AGWM missionary or field fellowship
Support Raising: Per district policy
Budget: Minimal
Training: Available at the request of the area or regional director for 4-11 month volunteers
Visit the trips page to see what’s coming up.
1-2 years
Fulfilling an MA term can be a foundational experience for those considering the possibility of a career in missions. By spending a year or more thoroughly engaged in missions, MAs have time to build stronger relationships with local friends, learn the language, and assimilate into the culture.
18 years or older
U.S. citizens or valid resident alien permit that allows travel to and from the U.S. with a valid U.S. work permit that allows return to the U.S. after living in another country for a year or more.
Born again Christian and growing believer
Consistent in your personal devotional life
Faithful to your local church
Limited personal debt
2+ years
Dedicate your life to fulfilling the Great Commission overseas as a career missionary. Career missionaries have diverse ministries and represent a wide range of educational and ministry backgrounds, but they all express a clear lifetime call to missions.
A lifetime call to missions
Baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4
Licensed, ordained, or eligible for AG ministerial credentials
Limited personal debt; see Financial Guidelines.
Endorsement from candidate’s AG district missions department
U.S. citizens or valid resident alien permit that allows travel to and from the U.S. with a valid U.S. work permit that allows return to the U.S. after living in another country for a year or more
Pathway to continent
Fill out the form here.
Assignment details are discussed and finalized with the mentor missionary and area director. Once invitation is extended, application can begin!
Fill out and submit an application.
After initial review, your application specialist will contact you with updates and be available to answer questions. Your district will be contacted for a reference, other references will be compiled, the completed Health Information Report(s) will be reviewed, and credit and background checks will be completed.
When your assignment details have been received, your file will be prepared for presentation to your regional director.
Once final approval is given, you will be notified and an email sent to you with your assignment details.
MAs are required to attend PFO. PFO is held three times a year in March, June, and October.
During the summer PFO, the Missionary Kid (MK) office hosts special pre-field preparation for all children ages 0-18 with age-specific activities designed to help children prepare for life overseas. For this reason, couples with children should plan to attend summer orientation. PFO costs are part of the budget raised.
Final Clearance is AGWM’s permission to leave for the field. This is given after all the other clearances are completed and the relevant offices are notified.
An MA must receive Final Clearance before leaving for the field!

We want to help make the dream that God has placed on your heart come to life. You have to start somewhere, so let this be your first step.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
The length of the application process varies. Team registration must be completed at least one month prior to departure. Short-term volunteers typically take two to four months to process, and missionary associates can take up to six months. The application process for career missionaries takes six to nine months.
All missions personnel are responsible for raising their funds. A budget will be established based on field of ministry and length of assignment. Career missionaries raise their budget by ministering in churches, where they seek prayer and financial support, as well as enlisting support from friends and family. Missionary associates and short-term volunteers may raise funds through their home church, friends, and family, or use personal accounts.
Many short-term volunteers come from various church backgrounds; we simply ask that you be in good standing with your local church. For missionary associates, approval is dependent upon each AG district and the length of service requested. However, career missionary applicants must have an endorsement from their AG district missions director.